• Call for Election and Candidacy

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    ISOC Lebanon - Official Call for Election and Candidacy

    Beirut, January 31, 2020


    Dear ISOC Lebanon Colleagues;


    ISOC Lebanon Administrative Board invites you to a General Assembly meeting on Wednesday March 04, 2020 at 6:00 PM at Berytech BDD (6th floor). The meeting will be dedicated to the election of a new Administrative Board. Please mark your calendars.


    In the case there is no majority quorum a second meeting will be held on the same date and location at 7:00 PM with the quorum lowered to "whoever shows up".


    The meeting agenda:

    • Review the administrative report including the activities of the association.
    • Review of the financial report for fiscal year 2019 and adopting the audited accounts.
    • Review the budget for fiscal year 2020.
    • Formation of the Elections Committee from members other than candidates.
    • Electing the members of the administrative board.
    • Announcement of election results.


    Please notice the following:

    1. ISOC Lebanon is managed by an Administrative Board formed of 4 members.
    2. The participation to the election is restricted to ISOC Lebanon members who are in good standing (have paid their membership dues before December 31, 2019). ISOC published the electoral body on its website. The challenge period is open until February 26, 2020 and considered final afterward.
    3. The call for candidacy is open from January 20, 2020 to February 15, 2020 5:00 PM. Members who are in good standing can submit their candidacy by completing, signing and submitting a CANDIDACY FORM (copy attached).
    4. ISOC will publish the approved list of candidates on February 23, 2020 being 10 days before the election date.
    5. An ISOC voting member wishing to vote at the general assembly meeting via proxy shall designate a voting member from the general assembly by completing, signing and submitting an PROXY FORM (copy attached)
    6. ISOC Lebanon will be posting the final list of voters and candidates on February 26, 2020 being 7 days before the election date. 

    This is an official call for the election of a new ISOC Lebanon Administrative Board and a call for candidacy. Please visit http://www.isoc.org.lb/2020-board-elections for more information.


    Best regards,


    Nabil Adib Bukhalid





    *** مجتمع الإنترنت في لبنان ***

    *** دعوة رسمية لتقديم طلابات الترشح و للمشاركة في ٳنتخابا أمين صندوق ***

    بيروت في 18/01/2020

    حضرة الزميلأ الكرام،

    تحية طيبة وبعد،

    تدعوكم الهيئة الادارية لجمعية "
    مجتمع الإنترنت في لبنان" (بيان علم و خبر رقم 2037) إلى إجتماع هيئة عامة مخصص لانتخاب هيئة إدارية جديدة وذلك يوم الاربعاء الواقع فيه 04/03/2020 الساعة السادسة مساءً، (سوف يحدد المكانن لاححقا)


    وفي حال لم يتأمن النصاب في هذا الإجتماع، يعقد الإجتماع الثاني بمن حضر ويعتبر نصابه قانونياً اليوم ذاته اي بتاريخ 04/03/2020، الساعة السابعة مساءً، وفي المكان ذاته.

    جدول أعمال الإجتماع:


    - الإطلاع على التقرير الإداري المتضمن نشاطات الجمعية

    - الإطلاع على التقرير المالي لعام 2019 وتصديقه

    - الإطلاع على موازنة العام 2020

    - تشكيل لجنة لمراقبة العملية الانتخابية من غير المرشحين.
    - انتخاب الهيئة الادارية.

    - اعلان نتائج الانتخابات.

    و نحيطكم علما" بالأتي:


    1- تتألف الهيئة الادارية من 4 أعضاء تنتخبهم الهيئة العامة.


    2- تتألف الهيئة العامة من الأعضاء المتسبين فعليا" الى الجمعية ( سددوا ٳشتراك الٳنتساب السنوي قبل 31/12/2019 ) سوف تنشر لائحة الناخبين على موقع الجمعية الألكتروني. تقبل الٳعتراضات على لائحة الناخبين من الآن الى 26/02/2020 فتصبح نهائية.


    3- تقبل طلابات الترشح من20/01/2020 الى الساعة الخامسة من بعد ظهر في 15/02/2020. على الراغبين بترشيح انفسهم الى غضوية الهيئة الادارية تقديم طلبات الترشيح حسب النموذج المرفق بواسطة البريد الالكتروني. على المرشحين تقديم نموذج الترشيح الموقع من قبلهم الى رئيس الهيئة الادارية وذلك قبيل انعقاد الهيئة العمومية.


    4- سوف تنشر أسماء المرشحين المقبولين قبل 23/02/2020 أي قبل عشرة أيام من موعد الانتخابات.


    5 - على الأعضاء الراغبين في التصويت في اجتماع الهيئة العمومية عن طريق وكيل أن يعينوا عضوا من الهيئة العمومية لينوب عنهم و ذلك بئستكمال النموذج المرفق وتقديمه بواسطة البريد الالكتروني. على الوكيل تقديم نموذج التوكيل الموقع الى رئيس الهيئة الادارية وذلك قبيل انعقاد الهيئة العمومية.


    6 – سوف تنشرلائحة الناخبين النهائية و لائحة المرشحين النهائية على مراجعة موقع الجمعية الألكتروني في 26/02/2020.


    الرجاء ٳعتبار الدعوة رسمية و لمزيد من المعلومات مراجعة موقع الجمعية الألكتروني.


    و تفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام,



    نبيل أديب بوخالد




  • Election Schedule

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  • Electoral Body

    The participation to the election is restricted to ISOC Lebanon members who are in good standing (have paid their membership dues before December 31, 2019).


    The challenge period is open until February 26, 2020 and considered final afterward.

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  • Elections Documents

    Click on link to upload the document

  • The Nominees

    Board 2020-2022

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    Jack Bakaev

    Election Statement

    I am presenting my candidacy for the board of ISOC for the years 2020-2022


    I served as ISOC Lebanon chapter secretary during the terms 2016-2018 and 2019-2020 and I hope I have met your expectations.
    I am asking for your support in this election so I may continue my active involvement for another term.
    If re-elected, I will offer my energy and my commitment to help to develop ISOC as the independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards and future development.


    Jack's Biography:


    Retired brigadier-general of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) of Lebanon, served mostly as an IT specialist in the ISF IT department.
    Lebanese Military academy graduate, holding a BS in computer science and an MBA
    Worked on building an anti-cybercrime unit in the ISF and participated in drafting the Lebanese E-transaction draft law.
    Currently engaged in Digital Transformation and IT and Management consultancy, focusing on IT governance, information security, cybercrime in the enterprise environment.
    Specialized in information security management systems (ISO/IEC 27001), lead cybersecurity manager (ISO/IEC 27032), IT Governance (COBIT 5), project management (PMP) and digital forensics
    Board member of the Internet Society – Lebanon chapter (ISOC Lebanon), chapter secretary.

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    Nicolas Rouhana

    Election Statement

    I have particular expertise and interest in promoting the Internet and developing IXPs, Content Development Networks (CDNs) & IPv6 deployments, as I have been the administrator of the first Internet eXchange Point in Lebanon from 2007 to 2015 (Beirut IX), and active member at the IETF and ISOC Lebanon chapter. I am also very much involved in the Lebanese start-up ecosystem in Lebanon since 2002, promoting entrepreneurship using digital economy. All the above constitute main pillars of ISOC Lebanon mandate, to which I can add value being on the board of ISOC Lebanon.


    Nicolas' Biography:


    Dr. Nicolas Rouhana is currently the General Manager of IM Capital, a $20M program funded under USAID MENA Investment Initiative, providing Matching Capital, Equity Guarantee and Technical Assistance to early-stage businesses and investors in Lebanon. Between 2002 & 2015, Dr. Rouhana was the Executive Director of Berytech Technological Pole, a leading Technology Business Innovation & Incubation Center in Lebanon. He was also Associate Professor at Saint-Joseph University. He is currently Vice-President of Internet Society-Lebanon Chapter, board member of Berytech, and the current Chairman of Speed@BDD the first tech accelerator in Lebanon. Nicolas has a Telecommunications Engineering degree from Saint-Joseph University in Beirut, a PhD in Networking Systems from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, and an EDP graduate from INSEAD, France.

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    Antoine Assaf

    Election Statement


    I am here-attached submitting my candidacy for the board of the ISOC organization. I served as ISOC Lebanon chapter as treasurer during the term 2019-2020


    Hope to be able to meet your expectations and look forward to a joint collaboration for the success of ISOC.



    Antoine's Biography:

    • Born in Beirut in 1962
    • Married with 3 children
    • Holds a BE in Electrical & Computer Eng’g from the ESIB (USJ) - 1985, and an Executive MBA from AUB -2016
    • Have built a diversified IT experience in Lebanon and France, mainly in the domain of IT management, ERP solutions and Business Processes Reengineering in the Higher Education and Banking sectors, and this in Lebanon and France
    • Currently, I am holding the position of Data Governance & Analytics at AUB – IT Division
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    Gabriel Deek

    Election Statement


    Gabriel's Biography:

    Founder and Vice-president of the ISOC Lebanon Chapter since 2010, he founded in 2012 the Lebanon Knowledge Network (LebKnoC) initiative that aims toward opening knowledge centers in various remote areas in order to support local economy and bridge the digital divide.

    Gabriel Deek is the General Manager of OmniSystems sal. an affiliate company to OmniTech Holdings and MIDIS Group. Founding member and the President of LebKnoC, the Lebanon Knowledge Network and Vice-President of ISOC the Internet Society Lebanon Chapter.

    Founder and CEO of multiple companies related to digital media and eBusiness solutions for the past 25 years.

    Digital content consultant for the UN-ESCWA.

    Professor of Entrepreneurship and Negotiations at USJ.